Sunday, March 2, 2014


(+) A Raisin in the Sun (+)

Living in an age of time that will be remembered forever in the minds of  all Americans for years to come, no matter what race or gender. A time where Africans Americans wanted to be treated equally like they should. This is known as the African-American Civil Right Movement. Even with this going on segregation was still very huge between the white and black races.

During this time in a little house somewhere in the south side of Chicago is where I chose for the play to take place. A family that is just getting by in their small house of theirs is going to struggle in their quest to achieve their dreams in their society, and for one to achieve a dream set aside for many years.
The Characters consist of the Younger family, with the side characters being Joseph Asagai, Karl Linder, and George Murchison.

A little bit about myself the button